
Playful reminder

Life isn’t as long as you think it is. You have a choice: You can go and try to live a playful life, or you can go and live a life which excludes playfulness. And it doesn’t get you anywhere. Playfulness gets you somewhere. ~ Hans Zimmer It’s been one of those weeks – just […]


Coffee Creativity

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. ~ Jane Goodall Making things is kind of like making a cup of coffee. Let’s say you love making the perfect espresso—grinding the beans just right, timing the shot, getting that smooth, golden layer on top. […]


Out of hibernation

You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails to always reach your destination. ~ Jimmy Dean This has been a wonky start to a new year (of course, this is subjective and just from my point of view). But we’re just into March now. I’ve heard that March is […]


Finding the Right Box for Your Ideas

A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock pile when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind. ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry When it comes to creative work, I often think of ideas as objects that need the right containers. Some fit neatly into existing projects, while others feel unplaceable—too loose, […]


Can’t never could

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. ~ Henry Ford A lot of people come into the store and, at some point, end up saying, “Oh, I can’t draw.” They’re often shopping for someone else or just waiting while a friend browses, but the moment they pick up a sketchbook […]


Back to Basics

The simplest things are often the truest. ~ Richard Bach Have you ever felt stuck or gotten overwhelmed in your creative pursuits? Or maybe in your life, but then it carried over to creating. One potential solution to that is to go back to basics. Pick up a yellow #2 and a legal pad or […]


Ship at 70%

Art is never finished, only abandoned. ~ Leonardo da Vinci After stumbling across this article about the 70% rule – it fits with all kinds of creative pursuits. A recent conversation with a coworker was about a just-finished piece of art. They were “mostly happy” with it – which sounds like a win! Not only […]


Play the Creative Game

It’s not about winning or losing; it’s about how you play the game. ~ Grantland Rice Since we’re in the middle of Snowdown – Life is a lot like a board game. Some days you’re cruising ahead, rolling sixes, and collecting rewards. Other days, you’re stuck, waiting for your next move. But here’s the thing: […]


What will you create this year?

Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke After a few conversations I’ve had and overheard in the last few weeks, I these quotes might be worth sharing, in case you need to hear it: And now let us believe in a long year […]


More painting time

Art is not a thing; it is a way. ~ Elbert Hubbard We recently received a New Year’s email from Robert Gamblin (of Gamblin Colors.) Here are a few excerpts that stood out: I started out having neither a clue nor a direction. Just the desire and the need to paint. Then after a few […]