Since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of time, you are incomparable.~ Brenda Ueland I don’t know if you’ve ever read Big Magic: Creative Living Without Fear, but I recommend it. It talks about how creative ideas have a time and an energy of their own. How they will appear to […]
Category: Artspiration
These posts were weekly emails and are archived here for any sort of future reference
Just reaching out!
Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it, for a special occasion. Today is special! I have been enjoying the opportunity to test out some new art supplies and have a list of projects to work on. Of course, it’s hard to tear myself away from my little girl, […]
Just saying hi!
In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.~ John Muir It appears that we closed the Art Supply House right on time, with the Governor’s Stay Home order coming into effect today. Personally, most of yesterday was spent one of two ways. I either spent the day with my daughter or watched […]
Times, they’re a-changing!
You can only feel a negative or positive emotion/feeling/thought at a time. It’s either/or. You are the thoughts that you think. As of this morning, the Art Supply House is closed. With the San Juan Basin Public Health’s recommendation to stay at home – it seems like the best option (if a sad one). That […]
What a weird time
There was nothing to do except to work hard, struggle for food, visit quietly with friends, and wait for peace.~ paraphrase of Pablo Picasso during the WWII German occupation of Paris If your inbox is anything like mine, it’s overrun with emails. I’ve been hearing from companies who haven’t otherwise reached out in 3 years! […]
Talking about art
A picture is a poem without words.~ Cornificius I recently re-heard this quote: “talking about art is like dancing about architecture.” I have yet to conclude my thoughts on it. My first reaction is to chuckle and agree, but upon longer reflection it doesn’t sit as quite right. There is so much depth behind many […]
Where do we go from here?
Age is not the enemy. Stagnation is the enemy. Complacency is the enemy. Stasis is the enemy.~ Twyla Tharp Isn’t this one of those eternal questions? We consider what next steps are necessary to achieve a goal, or ponder what the next goal should be. Or should there be more than one goal? Perhaps 3 […]
Importance of art
Vincent reminds us of what is really important in art and it is, in my opinion, not what the artist gains, but what the artist gives to people.~ Marta Malachowska, a collector of Vincent’s work You probably won’t argue with the idea that art is valuable. In case you had any doubts – here are […]
An eternal debate
Artists are driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide.~ DW Winnicott I was recently in a conversation where the topic of what makes art “art” came up. While I don’t think that I agree with the definition that was presented, I also don’t have a definition of my […]
Mental Overhead
One begins to lose interest in any given task and slacks off just as one is beginning to get somewhere in accomplishing the task.~ Richard Bernstein I recently had a conversation about planning and working ahead. As part of the process, this person was getting out everything needed for 5 projects – what they thought […]