You see how few things you have to do to live a satisfying and reverent life? ~ Marcus Aurelius I just finished reading Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport and have to say that I greatly enjoyed it, even (or especially) as an IT guy in a previous life. One of the suggestions that Cal gives is to […]
Category: Artspiration
These posts were weekly emails and are archived here for any sort of future reference
A happy little snow-bank over here….
“I chose Cadmium Red Light as our company color, after reading Kandinsky’s “Concerning the Spiritual in Art”, which declares that yellow advances, blue recedes, green is at rest, and red vibrates in place. I saw Cadmium Red Light as vibrating with tremendous potential, which is what I hope our colors do for artists – to […]
Creative Tension
All in all, the creative act is not performed by the artist alone; the spectator brings the work in contact with the external world. ~ Marcel Duchamp There is often a tension between the internal and external worlds. It exists between an artist’s vision for a project and the final results. It’s there between the […]
Be curious. Read widely. Try new things. I think a lot of what people call intelligence just boils down to curiosity. ~ Aaron Swartz Have you recovered from Snowdown yet? I’ve always been curious, wondering what was around the next corner, what happens if you combine X and C, and everything else. I was definitely […]
The energy is palpable!
What is so delicious as a just and firm encounter of two, in a thought, in a feeling? ~ Emerson Snowdown starts tomorrow and you can almost feel it in the air! Of course, it’s also looking like a snowy weekend and you can feel that, too. (And Bob is hanging out at the store […]
Life is what you make of it
A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life. Living in this manner – continually and stubbornly bringing forth the jewels that are hidden within you – is a fine art, in and of itself. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert […]
Don’t overthink it!
A writer writes, a painter paints and a photographer photographs. Simple as that. ~ Susannah Conway It’s easy to talk ourselves out of trying something new. That can be a new material, technique, or approach. I have a friend who says they would love to be a writer, but they never sit down and write. […]
Art Contest? Art Contest!
Let no experience pass that thrills you, scares you, or challenges what you think you know. Yay!!! The first Art Supply House Art Contest of 2019 is live, as of today. You can get more information here on our website. (You may want to bookmark that page, as it will hold the information for all […]
Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn’t taste good. ~ Lucia Capocchione We’re pretty excited about the art contest that will be launching Friday. After all, it’s art! It’s fun and play and the chance to make something (plus, there will […]
Do you have any art goals for 2019?
Happiness is not a goal. It is a by-product of a life well lived. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt This resolution-making season. By now, statistically, the gyms have been filled and attendance is already starting to taper off. Fortunately, you don’t have to travel anywhere or have any expensive equipment to make art. You can create with […]