
Playful reminder


Life isn’t as long as you think it is. You have a choice: You can go and try to live a playful life, or you can go and live a life which excludes playfulness. And it doesn’t get you anywhere. Playfulness gets you somewhere.

~ Hans Zimmer

It’s been one of those weeks – just busy and heavy. So here’s a reminder to play – do something just for the fun of it. (This reminder is as much for me as I’m writing as for anyone.) Don’t think that everything has to be serious, perfect, toward some larger goal, or “worth it.”

  • This week’s artist is – Gregory Mortenson – a figurative artist whose work recently popped up on the ole radar. See even more on his website and instagram!

Play (and creative pursuits) aren’t things we need to survive, but they’re need to thrive. Our bodies will keep living without play – but our spirits will wither. Play isn’t a waste of time; it’s an essential part of a complete life. So here’s a (playful) reminder – don’t forget to add a little play and creativity into your life. As Hans reminds us – playfulness gets you somewhere. And the world needs to see your playful creative expressions!

Matthew & the Art Supply House crew

PS. – March has 5 Saturdays, so we’re having a customer appreciation day on the 29th. Do you know where your bag is?