Possibility is not a luxury; it is as crucial as bread. ~ Judith Butler I recently ran across this comic and just had to share: Sometimes, the joy of creativity isn’t about making anything at all. It’s just about being surrounded by inspiration, feeling that spark of endless potential. There’s a unique thrill in having […]
Category: Artspiration
These posts were weekly emails and are archived here for any sort of future reference
Do it stupid
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. ~ Thomas Edison I’ve often heard (and shared) the advice to make more art. So often, it seems that the secret to quality lies in quantity. Here’s a different way of thinking about this, in case it lands differently. Someone wanted to learn […]
Creative cheat codes
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. ~ Walt Disney When it comes to creative work, we all dream of finding that secret shortcut – the one thing that will suddenly unlock our potential or make the process easier. Alas, the real cheat code is usually the work we’re avoiding. […]
Good enough to move on
Perfectionism is not a quest for the best. It is a pursuit of the worst in ourselves, the part that tells us that nothing we do will ever be good enough—that we should try again. No. We should not. ~ Julia Cameron I recently came across the quote above that really stuck with me. In […]
When we focus too hard on being a little better every day, we destroy the ability to be inspired. ~ Evan Armstrong Self-improvement is great and productivity is wonderful, but sometimes we need to pursue the unoptimized life. Sometimes we need to give ourselves space, and permission. We can ignore all the things we’re “supposed […]
Be on the side of the creator
I decided years ago that I would always be on the side of the creator. ~ Ryan Delk It’s easy to be critical, especially in today’s culture. As more creators dare to create, they often don’t meet the standards we think they should. Whether they’re beginners whose skill doesn’t match their vision or a professional […]
The journey is necessary
Your journey has molded you for the greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. ~ Asha Tyson It’s easy to fixate on the destination—the finished project, the big goal—but we often forget that the real magic happens in the small, seemingly unrelated steps along the way. I’ve had times where I […]
Art Comes From Action
Most people tell themselves that if they felt better, they’d do the thing—when it’s actually doing the thing that makes you feel better. ~ Mark Manson We often tell ourselves that we’ll finally start creating when we feel more inspired, more confident, or “ready.” But the truth is, it’s the act of making art that […]
Fear of Starting
The scariest moment is always just before you start. ~ Stephen King Dropped my daughter off at forest school yesterday. It was the first day back and she was a bundle of nerves. She was excited but nervous but once we arrived and she settled in, her smile was back. Funny how quickly fears can […]
You are important
The artist is not a special kind of person; rather, each person is a special kind of artist. ~ Ananda Coomaraswamy In some art magazine, I read the following and thought you should know that it applies to you, too: I hope you all know how important you are. Your uniqueness as artists – in […]