
Freedom in Limits

To see in color is a delight for the eye but to see in black and white is a delight for the soul.
~ Andri Cauldwell

Did you know that Ansel Adams shot almost as many color photographs as black-and-white? He shot in color almost as long as he did in black and white (over thirty-five hundred shots), but he preferred black and white.

I can get, for me, a far greater sense of ‘color’ through a well-planned and executed black-and-white image than I have ever achieved with color photography. ~ Ansel Adams

  • This week’s artist is – Janet Kenna – a local stained glass artist. She just helped me install a couple of her pieces in the Art Supply House front windows as part of the Empty Storefronts project (of course, we aren’t empty). They’ll be on display until the end of July, so be sure to come see them in person! Check out her website for more!

Like Ansel Adams, I generally prefer working in black-and-white. Whether I’m working with paint, pen and ink, graphite, or something else, I like being able to ignore color and focus on value. When I get stuck, limiting my options also helps me to get moving. It will take me at least an hour to pack art supplies for a trip. When I limit it, the packing goes faster and I’m able to start making art more quickly since there’s less to choose from.

When you get stuck, limit yourself in some way to release your creativity. Constraints force you to be more resourceful. Perhaps you’ll discover a new technique or combination of materials. No matter what the results, remember, have fun!


Matthew & the Art Supply House crew

P.S. – We’re hiring! If you know of someone who will bring interest and enthusiasm, we can teach the necessary skills.