The earth without art is just ‘eh.’ ~ bumpersticker This week we want to share an exciting update. We purchased the Art & Framing Center in Pagosa Springs! The previous owner was ready to ready to retire and we were thrilled to keep a local frame shop alive and going – to continue celebrating the […]
Create Yourself
Pre-Script (The other P.S.) – We’re closed today (Wednesday) for the holiday, closed tomorrow (Thursday) for inventory counting and will be back to the regular schedule on Friday. And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~ Anaïs Nin Happy […]
A Holiday Practice
Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax. ~ Mark Black “Dead week” is that strange no-man’s land between Christmas and New Year’s Eve—a lull in the calendar where the usual rush of life takes a breather. For many, it’s a time to unwind. Expectations soften, obligations fade, and there’s a collective permission […]
Make before you manage
If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. ~ Vincent van Gogh I recently listened to a podcast where the speaker shared the mantra that helped him successfully complete important projects even while dealing with the chaos that life hurled at […]
Misc. quotes
The easiest way to do art is to dispense with success and failure altogether and just get on with it. ~ Stephen Nachmanovitch I ran across a few different quotes that I thought were worth sharing. So here are a few of them: And here are some more quotes: Hopefully at least one of these […]
Dreaming periods
The art of resting is a part of the art of working. ~ John Steinbeck This quote was shared with me and I thought it was worth passing along: My dad likes to call the stretches of time where you’re not creating ‘dreaming periods’ and says that they’re meant to allow you to absorb all […]
Thank you!
We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. ~ John F Kennedy The Art Supply House has been here since 2002 – for and because of you. We’ve had a mix of caretakers and curators during that time, but one constant is our commitment to supporting […]
A world of your own choosing
The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper. ~ W.B. Yeats Ever notice how two people can live right next door to each other, work at the same place, even walk the same neighborhood streets—and yet, seem to exist in completely different worlds? It all comes down to […]
What you keep to yourself you lose; what you give away, you keep forever. ~ Axel Munthe Isn’t it awesome to make something just for you? That feeling when you’re drawing, writing, or creating something and it just clicks—it’s the best! But here’s the thing: keeping all your cool stuff hidden away in a drawer […]
Be willing to be bad at it
It is impossible to get better and look good at the same time. Give yourself permission to be a beginner. ~ Julia Cameron, The Artists Way So many people hold back from making art, or trying a new style, because they’re afraid to be bad at it. They want to skip the awkward, messy stages and […]