We often avoid taking action because we think “I need to learn more,” but the best way to learn is often by taking action.~ James Clear There’s always more to learn. That can be disheartening, at times. It can also be greatly inspiring! I know that I look at work by other artists and think […]
seeing past the trees
Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more humane world.~ Andre Maurois, French Author It’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, to run from one thing to the next. Thoreau said, “Our life is frittered away by detail” – he could easily have been talking about my to-do […]
Let’s Make 2022 Great!
Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. ~ Tony Robbins Over the last week I’ve been hearing comments and jokes about how glad everyone is that 2021 is over. Some of the jokes are funny (I love wordplay and puns) but I’m going to push back against the general sentiment. Last year might […]
Year over year
Art is long, and Time is fleeting~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Year changes are always a great opportunity to look at how we organize our time. They don’t necessarily require that we figure out how to pack more in, to be more productive. Sometimes we need to look at what to take away. As we roll […]
Embrace your vision
Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.~ Franz Kafka It’s easy to get caught up in creating artwork that others will like – either just for compliments or to sell it. It’s easy to […]
Be Playfully Yourself
The child is the first artist. Out of the material around him he creates a world of his own. The prototypes of the forms which he devises exist in life, but it is the thing which he himself makes that interests him, not its original in nature. His play is his expression.~ Carleton Noves Especially […]
Sharing our Dreams
The waking have one world in common. Sleepers meanwhile turn aside, each into a darkness of his own.~ Heraclitus Some number of emails ago I shared this quote by James Gurney, “We should never forget how lucky we are to be able to conjure dreams out of thin air.” It came back to mind when […]
Doing the work
It’s unrealistic to want a creative life with lots of freedom without any downside to it. ~ Chuck Klosterman We call it artWORK, or our creative WORK. How easy to forget, even with that in the name, that sometimes we have to work at it. That sometimes it’s a slog to sit down and come […]
Performing Magic
Making pictures is a proud calling. We should never forget how lucky we are to be able to conjure dreams out of thin air.~ James Gurney The quote above came from James’ response to some interview questions and leapt out at me. While he’s speaking of working as a creative, it applies to all of […]
Energy of Art
You are not offering testimony to the existence of something, you are bringing something into existence—something that did not exist before, and that would not exist if it were not for you.~ Guy Tal In the patience link below I read this quote: “The art historian David Joselit has described paintings as deep reservoirs of […]