
Be Your Best Self

They are beautiful, unblemished lives. But sometimes I think that when we deny what is worst about ourselves, we also deny what is best. We repress our ignorance, and thus we deny our capacity to learn. We repress our faults, and thus we deny our capacity to change. We forget that it is our flawed […]


I’m grateful for you

Contemplate the good things in your life and be grateful for them.~ Rebecca Pidgeon Sometimes it’s funny, the timing of reminders from life. Earlier this week I was in a bit of a grumpy mood.  Wrenches thrown into schedules, too much caffeine and not enough food, projects not working out as completed, etc… Just generally […]


What are you going to do?

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.~ Aesop It’s already been a pretty dramatic week. No matter what the results are, the question to ask yourself is “What are you going to do? What’s your plan?” You have to have one. You can’t just wing it. You can’t just expect to know what you’ll do […]


What are you going to do?

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.~ Aesop It’s already been a pretty dramatic week. No matter what the results are, the question to ask yourself is “What are you going to do? What’s your plan?” You have to have one. You can’t just wing it. You can’t just expect to know what you’ll do […]


Developing a Passion to Pursue

Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music – the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. ~ Henry Miller A common refrain I’ve heard over the last decade or so is to “pursue your passion.” Over the last couple of years, that […]


We are wealthy

Every human has the innate desire to create: we all want to add value to the world.~ Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus I was recently reading about Leonardo da Vinci. At one point in his mid-50s, he had about 160 books. That really jumped out at me – I have that many books now, […]


Joy is good

Joy for humans lies in human actions. Human actions: Kindness to others, contempt for the senses, the interrogation of appearances, observations of nature and events in nature.~ Marcus Aurelius To the ancient stoics (like Marcus above), joy is something that you do. It’s a process. By contempt and interrogation, he means not being distracted by […]


We need (your?) help!

We’re looking for an art-maker who’d like to join us at the Art Supply House for 3 half-days (approx. 20 hours) each week. We expect… If you are… We offer… Experience needed (or not) Put Company Description Here. As a retail store, we work right up through half of Christmas Eve and pick back up on […]


Restoring Your Spirit

You’ll have a lot more respect for a bird after you try making a nest. ~ Cynthia Lewis Sometimes, life gets hard. That’s just a part of the process. In those times, it can be easy to be caught with tunnel vision – focused on whatever seems most urgent at the time. It’s been said […]


What’s your style?

Creativity is simply connecting new dots in new ways.~ Sam Horn Everyone looks at the world differently (sometimes a little, sometimes a lot!) Which is part of why our art can look so unique – we’re reflecting the world that we see through our work. A common question that I hear is “how do I […]