The place to improve the world is first in one’s own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.~ Robert Pirsig As artists, we all know the mental benefits of creating art, but did you know that simply viewing art can be beneficial? Your brain likes it when you look at art. […]
Art Store Status Update
I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.~ Helen Keller […]
intro line
Margin is the space between our load and our limits. … Margin is the gap between rest and exhaustion, the space between breathing freely and suffocating.~ Richard A. Swenson I haven’t mentioned the importance of down-time recently. After stumbling across this quote I had to revisit the idea: The mind must be given relaxation, it […]
Loving what you do
Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.~ Julia Child I recently ran across a couple of articles talking about finding your work fascinating. That one talks more about the thought processes we can work through to find anything interesting (the example given is digging a hole). Fortunately, we have a lot of […]
Take advantage of today
I know that I shall not live very long. But I wonder, is that sad? Is a celebration more beautiful because it lasts longer? And my life is a celebration, a short, intense celebration.~ Paula Modersohn-Becker How suddenly life can take from us all the things we took for granted. Whatever the reason, much can […]
Feed the Soul or the Belly?
The great malady of the twentieth century, implicated in all of our troubles and affecting us individually and socially is ‘loss of soul.’ When soul is neglected, it doesn’t just go away; it appears symptomatically in obsessions, addictions, violence and loss of meaning.~ Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul I recently read through a conversation […]
Experiencing the World Through Art
A lot of people think we are creatures of habit but we’re not. We are creatures of environment.~ Roger Hamilton These aren’t my words, but the sentiment is perfect and I just had to share! I’ve always painted for myself. Using art as a reason to get out into the world and fully experience it […]
Learning from experiences
Nothing we do is better than the work of handmind. When mind uses itself without the hands it runs the circle and may go too fast; even speech using the voice only may go too fast. The hand that shapes the mind into clay or written word slows thought to the gait of things and […]
Are you exploring?
People who have art in their life are never bored … This spring, often in isolation, folks all over the world created art, shared art, learned about art and just plain looked upon art with awe.~ Tina Manzer I recently read this article about the importance of exploring. The author is also an artist. He […]
Winging it
Your life is not supposed to be a replica; it’s an original.~ Jason Zook To be completely honest, I’m basically winging my life. Sure, I have a few over-arching goals that I want to achieve and there are certainly projects that I want to complete. There are recurring tasks (daily, weekly, etc) that I have […]