
Keep on keeping on 

At the end, someone or something always gives up. It is either you give up and quit or the obstacle or failure gives up and makes way for your success to come through.~ Idowu Koyenikan In the last couple of emails I have mentioned working with a variety of materials and experimenting with new techniques. […]


Keep your fire burning 

Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire. ~ William Butler Yeats In last week’s email I mentioned how glad I am that there will always be more to learn when it comes to my art. This week I stumbled across this passage about the same concept and thought it worth sharing: You […]


A Lifetime of Art 

Being a father is not an 18-year job. Done right, it’s a lifetime relationship, and it can be really wonderful.~ Paul Byerly While the quote above is about parenting, I think it also applies to one’s pursuit of their art. One of the things that I love about being an artist is that I will […]


Cheer Up! 

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike.~ John Muir I’ve been catching up with family and friends recently and the conversation invariably turns to current events and politics (which I generally try to avoid). […]


The Important Work of Doing Nothing 

Relax, recharge, and reflect. Sometimes it’s OK to do nothing. ~ Izey Victoria Odiase I feel like I often mention the importance of margin, of taking time out for ourselves. I don’t think that the importance can be over-stated, however, and will continue to mention it – as a reminder to myself, if nothing else! […]


A subjective life 

The function of art is to do more than tell it like it is – it’s to imagine what is possible.~ Bell Hooks The power that our mindset plays on our lives cannot be overstated. We can make ourselves miserable or contented – simply by changing how we look at a situation. As a father, […]


Making Things 

Every time we make a thing, it’s a tiny triumph It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the idea that you have to make a masterpiece. Something perfect, large, the best we’ve ever done. While that is certainly nice to do, it is definitely not always the goal. I’ve heard it said that every artist has […]


Saturday = customer appreciation day!

Just wanted to send you a quick reminder about Saturday. It’s the 5th Saturday in May and we’re taking the excuse to have a customer appreciation day – in your honor! The Art Supply House wouldn’t be the same without you. We’re here to help and serve you to the best of our abilities. The […]


The power of habit

Twyla Tharp once wrote “Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is the result of good work habits.” If we want to succeed, we need good habits. I’ve been thinking about habits recently. About ways to fit art making into my daily life. Scheduling a sketching session (or some other process that I can […]


A bit of focus

In life you can either be a force for good, a force for evil, or you can do nothing. I choose to be a force for good.~ Mili Fay We’ve been open “normally” for a couple of weeks now and it’s been great to see you!. In case you didn’t hear – we’re open Mon-Sat […]