Exercise, prayer, and meditation are examples of calming rituals. They have been shown to induce a happier mood and provide a positive pathway through life’s daily frustrations.~ Chuck Norris It’s been great to see you this week! We’re open and definitely enjoying the return to some sort of “normal”. In case you didn’t hear – […]
Searching for Inspiration
Your art, if it can inspire you, will inspire others.~ Nicholas Wilton It’s national plein air month. How fortunate are we to live in such a beautiful location where we can get out and about and spend some time in nature! I’ve taken advantage of this over the last couple of months – getting out […]
Flux-ing right along!
Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more humane world.~ Andre Maurois, French Author Yay, we’ve been able to see you again! It’s so thrilling to have the chance to offer you supplies via curb-side pick-up once more! Tentatively, you’ll be allowed to come in and peruse for yourself on May […]
We’re OPEN-ish!
Life is like a mirror; if I smile, the mirror returns the smile. The same attitude I have toward life is what life will have towards me.~ Mahatma Gandhi As of this morning we’re open for curb-side pick-ups! Call or email to get an order in the works and we’ll get it gathered together for […]
Working on Opening
We don’t control what happens in life. We control how we respond. Circumstances are not up to us, but our choices of reactions and actions are. Today’s email is going out later than I planned. After a visit to the pediatrician (my daughter’s 4 month old checkup and shots) I headed into the store and […]
Taking it Easy
It is the limitation of means that determines style, gives rise to new forms, and makes creativity possible.~ Georges Braque It looks like we, as a community, will be easing back open over the next few weeks! As best I can tell, Monday the Art Supply House will be allowed to offer curb-side pickup once […]
This too, will pass
If there is no struggle, there is no progress.~ Frederick Douglass The image above came from FaceBook, so I can’t vouch for the validity of the numbers. However, I feel that there is a lot of good stuff still going on, even in these potentially stressful times. So here’s a bit more good news and […]
on the doing – or not
You must practice being stupid, dumb, unthinking, empty. Then you will be able to DO … Try to do some BAD work – the worst you can think of and see what happens but mainly relax and let everything go to hell – you are not responsible for the world – you are only responsible […]
Be a Good Steward of your Gifts
Be a good steward of your gifts. Protect your time. Feed your inner life. Avoid too much noise. Read good books, have good sentences in your ears. Be by yourself as often as you can. Walk. Take the phone off the hook. Work regular hours.~ Jane Kenyon Isn’t that a great reminder? It’s easy to […]
Sharing some Hope
Be a good steward of your gifts. Protect your time. Feed your inner life. Avoid too much noise. Read good books, have good sentences in your ears. Be by yourself as often as you can. Walk. Take the phone off the hook. Work regular hours.~ Jane Kenyon Over the weekend I stumbled across Emily Dickenson’s […]