Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.~ Pablo Picasso Last week/end was the La Plata County Fair. I (Matthew) was there all week, running the art gallery. It was great to see many of you enter your work and visit the exhibits. I was really impressed with the quality of the entries this […]
Have You Met…
Relationships matter more than almost anything else. ~ Leo Babauta I love meeting people and hearing the story of their lives. Everyone is fascinating if you take the time to really listen and get to know them. That’s the highlight of working at the Art Supply House – getting to meet everyone who comes through […]
Learning to See
I believe in the power of the arts. Visual, written, performing, you name it. Art is the means through which we inform, educate, entertain, and learn about the world around us. We take issues, triumphs, emotions, stories, and channel them into powerful works of art. Art heals. Art entertains. Art teaches. Art leads. It seems […]
Drawn to Water
Water supports all our endeavors, from the simple task of making paint flow, to sustaining life. It is the common denominator that all humanity shares.~ Sharon Crosbie It’s only natural that water catches our attention. Of course, it’s one of those rule-of-three requirements for life. We’ll only live for 3 days without it (3 minutes […]
It’s all about the people
Being an artist is not just about what happens when you are in the studio. The way you live, the people you choose to love and the way you love them, the way you vote, the words that come out of your mouth… will also become the raw material for the art you make.~ Teresita […]
Flowing Thoughts
..the river was always something mysterious and something beautiful to me. At night the moon would shine on the water and it made really beautiful memories.~ Mary Magdeline Harvey Did you know there is a world watercolor month? Indeed, we’re 1/3 of the way into it. What a great excuse to dig out the ole […]
Keep a log book
I would advise you to read with a pen in hand, and enter in a little book short hints of what you find that is curious, or that may be useful; for this will be the best method of imprinting such particulars in your memory.~ Benjamin Franklin The quote above is, I think, good advice […]
Continuing Education
Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.~ Abigail Adams Nurses, architects, and so many other professions require licenses and some form of “continuing education” each year to qualify for a new permit to continue working. An artistic license is invaluable but not having one […]
Can anyone draw?
Drawing is simply another way of seeing, which we don’t really do as adults. Children see all the time. Children are always drawing with their eyes. I think that’s part of what becoming an artist is, is getting back in touch with that sense of experience and wonder that you have as a kid… [T]he […]
Inspired by the beauty around us
It’s impossible to capture the beauty of nature, but it’s inspiring to try. ~ Mindy Flexer Nature always captures my attention. Whether sitting on a cliff and watching the river flow below, hiking along a trail or driving up through the mountains I am stunned by the beauty around me and inspired to make art. […]