
Change is in the air!

If you foolishly ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it. Your life will be impoverished. But if you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life.

~ Frank Lloyd Wright  

It’s the fall/winter season – which means that we’re busy gearing up for the holidays at the store. It also means that we’re making personal plans to visit family and friends, looking forward to seasonal culinary treats, and (just perhaps) thinking about maybe starting to consider preparing for next year.

  • I’ve been following Marc Johns work for years and am always delighted when I see that he’s posted an update. He has a distinctive style and a sense of humor that I really appreciate. If you’re looking for a pick-me-up, a delightful calendar, or some artist-business advice, Marc might be your guy.

  • James Gurney visited the Powerhouse Animation Studios and asked what they would like to tell art students about the reality of the animation business. Their reply – 1) know your fundamentals, and 2) be flexible with your style, and 3) keep your student films short. I think this is sound advice for all artists (except perhaps the length of films).
  • Filling in the #TownPlazaMural – The weather was great this weekend (at least most of it) and we made great progress! We’ve managed to capture all of the primary figures (like a dog, as so many have mentioned) and also had a guest artist, Paige, come and help us accurately illustrate the Southern Ute’s Bear Dance!

  • Three classes at the Scrapbook Nook this week: Create a mini Christmas Album tomorrow (Tuesday) at 1, make four Fall Break cards on Thursday at 1, and experiment with Art Journaling on Saturday at 10!
  • This Saturday is Patrice DeLorenzo’s Meditative Landscape Painting workshop. It’s for intermediate and advanced painters from 10:00am-4:00pm on Saturday at the Artifacts Gallery in Farmington. For more information, contact Patrice at or (970) 799-8838. To reserve one of the limited seats call Artifacts

Gallery at (505) 327-2907.

  • In case you’ve ever wondered what Caravaggio’s painted scenes might look like in person… here’s a video of a dance troupe performing them.
  • And for another example of how amazing nature is – here it appears that the forest floor is “breathing”! The lateral movement of the treetops in a windstorm lifts the interconnected network of roots upward in saturated soils, causing the ground to heave up and down.
  • The Durango Creative District shared vision meeting is Tuesday, Dec 4th at the Rec Center. Your input is needed! This is the first working group meeting, where we will be discussing a SHARED VISION for Durango’s creative economy – including learning about our neighboring Creative Districts’ strategic plans. For more info, check out Local-First’s website.

Halloween has passed, the time has changed, and the leaves have dropped. I think the season is changing! We’ve put a Fall Sale in place, started painting the front window of the store, and started working on our social media. Changes are happening all around, it’s we’re all just so excited. Thank you so much for being part of it – you’re the reason we do what we do!

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Matthew & the Art Supply House crew

P.S. – Have you seen our “name game” sign in front of the store? Stop by and ask how to get your name on there…