I have an idea in mind for what my ideal studio space will look like. Spacious with a lot of storage. Room for reference materials, works in progress, finished pieces, etc. A space to sit and contemplate, a place to messy work, and a place for the final touches.
Until then, I paint where I am and make do with what I have available.
I recently painted a series of portraits as a way of testing out different oil paints.
This process took place at the art store, back in the admin corner (which is tucked next to the furnace and the air compressor.) It’s less than ideal, but with my trusty portable easel, some magnets, and by pushing back the keyboard to make room on the desk I was able to make it work well enough for the project at hand.
Hopefully, this less-than-ideal working space will serve as a reminder that where there’s a will there’s a way – so get out there and make something. As always, the world needs your art!