
The future is still coming 

And this too shall pass.
~ Abraham Lincoln – which undoubtedly helped him through the depths of all the crises he faced.

A podcast I recently listened to spoke about the constancy of uncertainty. A listener commented on how they aren’t able to deal with the uncertainty of the rest of this year. The hosts’ point was that if you made plans (vacation, work trip, etc) in January for April, they probably aren’t going as expected. We didn’t know what we didn’t know. We don’t know what August will look like – the same amount of uncertainty and unknowns are still there, but are more readily at the top of our minds.

I assure you… the rest of 2020 is still there. It still needs to be lived, still needs to be planned – come rain or shine. A lot of people are using this time to consolidate, plan, and reflect. We can’t plan with certainty what will happen later this year – but we rarely can.

Don’t feel like planning right now? Make art. Have fun. Express your creativity!


Matthew & the Art Supply House crew

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