
Cheers to you!

Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.
~ Janice Maeditere

If you’re anything like me, then you’ve had enough emails, shopping, eating, and more to last you at least a few days. So I just want to reach out and wish you a Merry Christmas today and hope that you have a fabulous day! If you celebrate other holidays, then I hope those are fabulous as well! Hopefully you get a chance to rest and enjoy it for at least a little bit.

Don’t forget to step aside if you get overwhelmed. Pull out a pencil and sketchbook and doodle for a few moments to help center yourself. Creating/art making is the fastest way I know of to reach a state of calm, to get yourself into “the zone”. So don’t forget that you need your art!

I’ll be reaching out next week, back to our regularly scheduled email programming.  (Of course, that won’t be until next year.) Until then, enjoy living in the beautiful area we live in – pause and appreciate it for at least a moment. Be aware of the blessings in your life, and wrap up 2019 with gratitude!


Matthew & the Art Supply House crew

P.S. – and because I can’t contain myself – Matthew’s first kiddo arrived Tuesday night and he finds Lily to be simply amazing!