
Do you fall prey to the Toolbox Fallacy?

Geniuses have very limited toolsets — they have a hammer, and their genius is in looking for nails.
~ Adam Robinson

I recently listened to a podcast that discussed the “Toolbox Fallacy” which basically says someone won’t start a project because they don’t have exactly the right tool for the job. As an example, they won’t start exercising because they don’t have a gym membership, money to sign up for one, etc. To side-step this, the example person would have to realize they don’t need a gym, at least not to get started. Go for a walk, do some push-ups, etc. Want to make a movie but don’t have a pro RED 8k camera? Grab a smart phone and start recording. Want to eat healthier but can’t afford all natural, locally grown, organic foods? Put down the cookies and soda. Of course, it could also be called the Paintbrush/Palette/Pen/Paper Fallacy…

  • This week’s artist is – Jed Smith – a local artist and graduate from the Fort. Though I’ve shown mostly portrait paintings, Jed works in a variety of mediums, like printing and mixed media. See more of his work on his website or instagram.

  • There is a full week of classes at the Scrapbook Nook. Join the gals tomorrow at 1 to make an acrylic pour and play with some Halloween themed notes. Friday is a special “Raid the Classroom” day – they’ll have a great sale on their papers all day! Then on Saturday at 10 is a coloring class. Tuesday at 1 there’s another chance to work with embossing powder (and take a jar home with you). At 11am on Wednesdays are a series of open classes!
  • Studio & is accepting work for their upcoming show Sacred Shadows: A Celebration of Rememberance. If you’re interested in participating, here’s the prospectus and drop off your work tomorrow (Thursday) between 10-2pm. The opening is Friday from 5-9 if you just want to see the show.
  • Studio &’s Recess Gallery will be hosting Jed Smith‘s show The Lost Polaroids during November. Swing by to check out Jed’s work in person.
  • Jeff Bridges takes photographs (I enjoyed the two-face photos shown in the video).
  • Here are some musicians talking about their recording process.
  • Tomorrow night will feature trick-or-treating at a variety of locations, including downtown on the 31st from 4-6. (We’ll be participating!).
  • Durango and Bayfield will be holding pumpkin drop-offs on Friday and Saturday if you’re looking to pass along used jack-o-lanterns. Some more details.
  • On Tuesdays, the Good Newsletter arrives in my email. It’s always nice to have something pleasant to read and to hear about good news from around the world.
  • Here are a few thoughts on an artist’s most important tool.
  • A 21 foot long painting of The Last Supper by a 16th century nun has been restored.
  • In case you need to know – here’s some advice on giving advice.
  • Here are some amazing photos from the Wildlife Photographer of the Year finalists.
  • Inktober is wrapping up tomorrow. So you still have some time to work on the prompt list! Don’t let a shortened time-frame discourage you. Even if you haven’t started and pull out your supplies for “only” one piece – you will have made one more piece of art than you would have made otherwise! Here are the prompts:

  • Our art contest just wrapped up. We’re voting and will announce the winners in next week’s email.
  • This week’s featured products are wooden Color Me Puzzles from Joyful Nook Gallery! We just received these from the Nook and are thrilled to carry them. Of course, we also had a lot of fun testing out different materials on our sample puzzle. If you’re looking for a unique holiday gift, this could be the perfect option!

We all know someone who spends more time drooling over art supplies than actually making art (I’m guilty!) Someone who falls under the Paintbrush Fallacy of not being able to start a project because they don’t have exactly the right materials. And, of course, we’re more than happy to help you get the supplies that you need. We’re also here to encourage your art-making. And sometimes that means you need the reminder to pick up whatever materials you have and start putting them to work. The college-grade materials will still allow you to make your art. That broken-in paintbrush probably has another painting left in it. And if they don’t? You can work on some studies/rough drafts with the materials you happen to have. The world needs your art. When you’re ready for more materials (or just some support or feedback) we’re here for you!


Matthew & the Art Supply House crew

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