
Growing Health

It is Nature who makes our artists for us, though it may be Art who taught them their right mode of expression.
~ Oscar Wilde

I’ve been thinking a lot about my garden recently. There are no seeds started, and barely any are planned, but the energy is starting to grow. In an interview I heard that growing a garden helps to heal – not only the quality of the food that comes from it, but the process of connecting to the place where you live, taking time to pay attention to something outside of ourselves, and of getting hands dirty and literally connecting with nature. I love the winter time, but am also excited to go on more hikes, tend some plants, and generally get out in nature more this summer. 

  • This week’s artist – Ilze Aviks – was suggested to me by a customer. She’s a local fiber artist who has workshops and workbooks available for those who want to learn more about making their own fiber artwork. Be sure to check out her website for even more!

It can be interesting to think about the message we’re trying to convey with our art. Many artists have a clear thought they want to share. Many don’t. It’s pretty rare that I have a particular message to convey – most often I’m capturing something that has captured my attention, or studying it more closely through the practice of art (similar to the answer given above). Related to the opening paragraph above, working in the garden has a similar affect on me – it causes me to slow down and stay focused in the moment, as a form of active meditation. I recently stumbled across this quote:

Art should be like a holiday: something to give a man the opportunity to see things differently and to change his point of view.

~Paul Klee

I also appreciate this approach – art can be a form of time/space travel, transporting someone to a different world, time, location, etc. You can do this too – your art can transport someone somewhere/when else. The creative process can be a form of active meditation for you, and the end results can help someone else step out of their daily life as a mini vacation. Your art can change the world. The world needs your art!


Matthew & the Art Supply House crew

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