
Growing Lists 

We don’t choose when we live, we choose how we live.

I’m a list maker. I have lists of lists. A friend sent me a photo of their todo list recently. It was gorgeous – little doodles drawn in the margins and nice handwriting. I replied with 4 of mine – various todo lists broken out by type of project, messy and jotted together. It seems to be a fact of life that the faster you work through a todo list, the faster it grows. One item completed, two new ones added. That’s ok, though. It certainly beats the alternative.

  • This week’s artist is – Eric Gross – whose work I’ve shown before (specifically the frozen waves photo series.) Be sure to check out his website for even more photos!

  • Last weekend I reorganized my studio. Here are a few tips for painters (though the principles work for all artists). I’ll be taking these into account as I fine-tune the space.
  • Since I got sucked down the google/pinterest rabbit hole while planning my studio, here’s 312 artists in their studios.
  • Boredom is often a necessary step in your creative process. I know this talks more about writing, but it applies equally to the visual arts.
  • April is National Letter Writing Month. We could all do with a little less screen time. Take this opportunity to pull out some stationery (or just paper from the printer) and send a note to family members, friends who give their addresses on a social media call out, old friends whose addresses you still have on hand, and co-workers. Make use of your stockpile of “Happy Birthday” and “Congratulations on your Baby” cards from impulse purchases,  crossing out words to make them relevant.  “Happy Birthday Shelter in Place” “For your Birthday Quarantine, Lets Make Cake,” and “Hello Baby Corona”
  • There is a new art tutorial video added here every day.
  • Speaking of daily projects – artist Keri Smith is posting a daily creative prompt. (Which was the most common request to my poll here!)
  • Here are some David Hockney originals – newly released!
  • I’m working on a series of videos highlighting ways to make art with things about the house. Yesterday’s video was painting with coffee and today’s is drawing on paper bags/cardboard. I have more of these type videos in the works. Let me know if there’s anything in particular you might be interested in or a type of material you’re missing at the moment.
  • A closer look at some of Monet’s work.
  • Here’s a guided acrylic portrait painting challenge that is just beginning, in case you’re interested in such things.

Those todo lists that keep growing? They’re keeping me sane in this time (as they always do). When I grow tired of business admin, I get to pull out the art project list for a break. And when that spark is flaming out, it’s gardening time.

I hope you’re keeping busy. Creative projects, work tasks, chores around the house… something. Keep up with the news, certainly, but don’t live there or on social media. Learn a new skill, read a book, write a letter, work in your yard/garden, get out for some fresh air, or generally keep busy in some way that nourishes you. Do something creative – you need your art! 


Matthew & the Art Supply House crew

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