
On Sauntering

I don’t like either the word [hike] or the thing. People ought to saunter in the mountains-not ‘hike!’ Do you know the origin of that word saunter? It’s a beautiful word. Away back in the middle ages people used to go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and when people in the villages through which they passed asked where they were going they would reply, ‘A la sainte terre’, ‘To the Holy Land.’ And so they became known as sainte-terre-ers or saunterers. Now these mountains are our Holy Land, and we ought to saunter through them reverently, not ‘hike’ through them.
~ John Muir

Much of my days involve a computer. Sometimes I remind myself to get out and go on a stroll for a change of pace. Stretch, look at things beyond my arm length, and generally take a break. Often, those strolls start wit an intended destination, but I find myself walking down Main Street, then often back up Second – just enjoying the break and not going anywhere specific.

  • This week’s artist is – Furniss Studios – a husband and wife artist team. He’s a woodworker and she’s a mixed media artist. They create work both separately and together. If you’ve heard of the blind woodsman, that’s him! For more work, check out their website for all the places to find them online!

  • Jean-François Millet would have been 208 on Tuesday.
  • Like maps? Here’s a chance to find old maps – like Pagosa Springs in 1927.
  • Here’s a chance for some map interaction. Make My Drive Fun lets you put two in two locations and shows potentially interesting stops along the way.
  • I love seeing the thought that goes into the creation of new things. So often, those details are never explicitly noticed, but are missed when absent. Here’s someone who delved into the design behind the Star Trek. Things like furniture, dishware, lights, etc.
  • Here’s a great example of materials making a difference. Two versions of the same painting, on different pastel papers.
  • I think that small seasons would be a great concept to re-introduce.
  • In less than all seriousness – I love all surfaces, but when it comes to paper…. that’s where I draw the line.
  • The last Animas City Night Bazaar is tonight, from 5-8, with a theme of Animas Olympics.
  • This year is the Art Supply House’s 20th anniversary! We’ll be celebrating during the last Saturday of October (which is also a customer appreciation day). Do you have your bag ready?
  • The FLC Art Gallery presents the 2022 FACULTY BIENNIAL, featuring artwork by the Department of Art & Design faculty! Show is up until October 19th.
  • The Durango Cowboy Gathering kicks off tomorrow (Thursday) and runs through Sunday.
  • Sunday is open mic night at Mountain Monk Coffee. Sign up at 5:30 if you want to participate and view from 6-8.
  • There are classes/workshops/projects available at Create Art and Tea, the Durango Arts Center, and the Scrapbook Nook. There are a lot more things happening that I don’t include – so if you’re ever looking for something to do, start at
  • There’s live music scattered about town all week. (Like Ska-BQ on Thursday and  Friday at Fox Fire Farms.) See what else is available here.
  • We’ve been searching for a range of fountain pens and inks to carry for a few years now. After a couple of false starts we stumbled across TWSBI and were thrilled with the reviews from friends. They arrived last week and have passed our tests so far. Looking for a fountain pen and/or ink – come check out the new selection!

There’s a difference between walking and sauntering. Walking tends to have an endpoint in mind, somewhere you want to get to. Sauntering is about slowing down, taking your time, filling your senses with the sights, sounds, and smells as you meander towards somewhere else. I wander around downtown and just check in. Sometimes that’s a stop at Maria’s Bookshop (even though I have a to-read stack waiting at home) or perusal of the antique store just to see what’s changed. I start out walking with a mission and end up slowing down, just noticing the things around me. 

It’s important to be physically active, to get up and move our bodies – sometimes with a goal and sometimes just for the sake of moving. It’s also important to move our minds and souls – sometimes with a destination and sometimes without. Maybe that looks like playing with art supplies, letting our minds wander while our hands saunter along the paper. A series of squiggles might not be the type of art we make, but it might be just what we need. You need your art!


Matthew & the Art Supply House crew