
Processing on Paper

Paper is more patient than people.
~ Anne Frank

I was recently chatting with a friend about processing thoughts and information. My friend tends to process verbally – by talking about something they discover what they’re thinking about it. I’m a writer – I process through ideas and discover what I think, solidify my ideas, by writing through them. Other people seem to kinetically process – they have to be moving to think through things. And, of course, we all use different methods at different times. 

  • This week’s artist is – Jose Lerma – whose portraits didn’t catch my attention as much as his process. He stretches the canvas, makes his paint, and then applies it with a boom! Check out his instagram for more!

  • Rosa Bonheur would have been 200 today.
  • Stuck in place and bored? Here’s how members of the Shackleton Expedition fended off cabin fever.
  • There’s live music scattered about town all week. See what’s available here.
  • Interested in tying flies? There’s an open tying night at the Outdoorsy Outpost tomorrow (Thurs) from 6-8. Bring your gear and join others while making flies.
  • Local artist Veryl Goodnight was recently interviewed (here are both the audio and video versions). If you’ve ever wondered, “How do I make a living or what can I do?” Or “How do I find my passion?” check out this podcast for one artist’s answers!
  • Join The Hive and In The Weeds in supporting local families with financial assistance through the winter! In partnership with Lola’s Cafe and The Soup Pallete, there will be a local Guest Chef cook up fresh soup to sell for a $10 minimum donation per quart. Come warm your hearts with delicious soup at 725 E 2nd Ave Thursday from 5-6:30!
  • I’ve been dabbling with websites, blogging, emails, and such for a couple of decades now. I like these ideas about blogging as architecture.
  • Working as a manager of information (and as a data collector) I also love the idea of digital gardens.
  • If you’re thinking about curating your cut of the firehose of information that is the internet, here’re some thoughts on becoming news-resilient.
  • The Scrapbook Nook has a week full of classes and projects, if you’re looking for something creative to do. Call them to reserve your spot.
  • Sometimes we just need to zone out and create. Or we need to focus in on small details to the exclusion of everything else. Or we just need to work on something that makes us smile. Whatever the appeal might be, we have coloring books available for kids of all ages.

Paper is patient. It let’s us loop through an idea repeatedly (and then again!) Processing on paper doesn’t have to mean writing. Paper is patient and allows us to make diagrams, doodle, and whatever else we need to do to process through things.

Write, draw, doodle, tear, color – paper is patient. Process and discover what you think. The world needs you, and your art!


Matthew & the Art Supply House crew