Excitement is a better motivator than discipline. The people who appear to have an exceptional work ethic or remarkable discipline are often those with a genuine curiosity or interest in that area. The person who smiles is more likely to keep working than the person gritting their teeth.
~ James Clear
I recently stumbled across the quote above and watched this video about the process of painting being more important the end result. In last week’s email I wrote about the importance of making time to be creative. The creative journey gives us an avenue where we can face challenges and learn how to deal with them. This process helps us build confidence in what we can do.

- This week’s artist is – Kenneth Yarus – whose work I was introduced to through this podcast interview. I enjoyed hearing the technical details behind the work being created and something that was mentioned caused me to note the time in the recording. I had to go watch the video version to see the details. That led to a rabbit hole which led to… me sharing his work with you today! Check out his website and instagram if you want to check out the rabbit hole for yourself!

- Alphonse Mucha would have been 163 on Monday!
- There’s a figure drawing session at the Seed Studio in the Smiley Building (room 106) next Wednesday from 6-8. This is the first session in what hopefully becomes a recurring event. Live, nude model. Bring your preferred materials. $20 artist fee. No experience needed! For more information, contact: DurangoFigureDrawing@gmail.com
- Here are some of the technical innovations of Rembrandt.
- Looking to discover your “style” of art? Here are 5 tips to keep in mind.
- This is an interesting look at what 1990s literature we study.
- Do you check out the art at Animas Chocolate? They have great shows. The current one is A Closer Look, by Patrice DeLorenzo. I try to pop in and at least look at the art, even if I don’t need any chocolate or coffee that day.
- In case you found a quinacridone crimson hard to find recently, here’s why and how to mix a replacement for it.
- Here’s a look at color theory, demonstrated by looking at Monet’s Woman with a Parasol.
- Want to enter art contests? Here are five sought-after qualities that jurors prioritize.
- The 1st Annual Durango Arts Week is in the works. It’ll be September 15-24. You can learn more here. Here are partner resources and information. Go here if you want to submit an event for promotion.
- Relatedly, the Open Studio Tour is currently looking for studios to open. Registration is open until August 11. Learn more and register here.
- It’s not quite stew weather, but here’s a list of stews in case you’re looking for new culinary inspiration.
- Here are last year’s travel photography award winners and dog photography awards (pooch portraits).
- They just don’t make female NYC river pirates like they used to.
- Curious about the art of mocktail mixology? Jess (owner of High Desert Hospitality) will be teaching all about the art of blending and crafting Mocktails (non-alcoholic cocktails) on Thursday at 1. This will be a demonstration and a tasting for adults who are curious about crafting drinks the whole family can enjoy. Two sessions are available, register online.
- Thursday evening, head to Buckley Park from 5:30-7:30 for the Concert Hall @ The Park – featuring the After Midnight Jazz Band. Picnics, blankets, and lawn chairs are encouraged with Fired Up Pizzeria offering a selection of food and beverages throughout the evening.
- Join San Juan Mountains Association staff and volunteers for an interpretive naturalist hike! Learn about wildflowers, ecology, wildlife, geology, and cultural history in our beautiful San Juan Mountains. The fun, fact-filled nature hike is moderate, Will be moving at a “walking” pace for around 1-2 miles. Wear walking shoes and clothing layers suitable for the mountain weather. FREE, but registration is required.
- Hear live music on Friday night’s at Fox Fire Farms! Music, food and wine. Free admission, seating on spacious lawn. Bring rain gear if there is a chance of rain. This week head out from 6-9 to hear the Jelly Belly Boogie Band.
- Also at Fox Fire Farms – Saturday from 1-6 is their Summer Art Series. Join them for an artful event featuring esteemed local artists and artwork to pair with your favorite wine!
- Durango Harley is having a First Responders Appreciation Day on Saturday from 11-2. Fun for the whole family! Join us for a day of fun and to say thank you to our local law enforcement, fire department, and EMS teams who so bravely work to keep our community safe. There will be fire trucks, SWAT vehicles and emergency vehicles on site for your enjoyment as well as a bounce house for the kids! A BBQ plate sale will be available with all donations going to the 100 Club of Durango which provides funds to families of law enforcement who were killed in the line of duty. A free gift will be available for all first responders with a valid ID.
- Free community concert at the Three Springs Plaza, from 6-8 on Tuesdays. This Tuesday will be featuring the Stillwater Music Jazz Bands. BYO blanket or lawn chair.
- There’s a lot of live music around town. Check out WhatsHappeningDurango.com to find who, when, and where.
- Drop by Guild House Games on Monday from 6:30-9 for the free, weekly Chess Club.
- If you’re a beginner/intermediate acoustic music player looking to play more – head to the General Palmer on Tuesday from 5:30-7:30 for the Slow Bluegrass Jam. This weekly jam is welcoming to all players, with a focus on slower tempo improvisation solos and chord changes. If you can play the I, IV and V chords in G, D and A then you know enough to play at this jam!
- Music in the Mountains runs until the 30th. There are a lot of events, some free and some paid, and you can see the schedule here.
- There are classes/workshops/projects available at the Dancing Spirit Community Arts Center, Let’s Letter Together, the Scrapbook Nook, Create Art and Tea, the 4 Corners Gem and Mineral Club, Seed Studio, and the Durango Arts Center. There are a lot more things happening that I don’t include – so if you’re ever looking for something to do, start at WhatsHappeningDurango.com.
- We have a few different options for storing pencils and other small art supplies. Whether you’re using them for school, daily art carry, or studio organization – supply storage is super helpful! Swing by today to see what’s available.

In addition to building confidence in ourselves, pursuing our creativity is also just plain ole fun! Whenever we work together at the register, you’ll hear me say some version of “have fun” as you’re leaving the store. That’s a reminder that creating is fun and to enjoy the process. Here’s the same message, in case you don’t bump into me at the register – Enjoy the process! Along the say, savor the satisfaction of seeing your ideas coming tangible. After all, it’s the journey that makes the destination worthwhile. And the world needs your art!
Matthew & the Art Supply House crew