
Can anyone draw?

Drawing is simply another way of seeing, which we don’t really do as adults. Children see all the time. Children are always drawing with their eyes. I think that’s part of what becoming an artist is, is getting back in touch with that sense of experience and wonder that you have as a kid… [T]he act of drawing is seeing, it’s trying to see something, and it puts you into a completely different mental state. It puts you into a state of being in that moment for that specific moment and understanding reality in a way that adults are very, very good at not doing. We spend most of our lives kind of getting out of the way of things, trying to remember stuff, trying to get through the day, certain regrets and problems, mistakes that we made, either an hour before or years before, come back to us. So, we spend much of our time just in this sort of cloud of remembrance and anxiety, but trying to live in that moment is a very difficult accomplishment. I think drawing encourages that more than anything.
~ Chris Ware

I am firmly of the believe that almost anyone can learn to draw. So often, it is not a matter of being unable to physically put an “accurate” mark down on paper but of not being able to look and see what the mark should look like or where it should go. Drawing is actually a physical manifestation of the skill of “seeing”. And today’s world offers lots of distractions from looking at the world around us.

  • This week’s artist is a French duo – DFT – also known as Differantly. They primarily work with single line drawings and create some amazing images with such a limited range of marks. It seems like rather a challenging process to narrow down a visual image to its essence of a single line. Check out their website and instagram for more.

  • The Scrapbook Nook has a few classes to look forward to: Thursday at 1 you can make 12 Julie Nutting paper dolls. Saturday at 10 try art journaling with rock textures and Tuesday at 1 join them in making some “mountains are calling” cards.
  • So many events are happening! The Tim Sullivan Band will be playing at Rotary Park for the 5th Annual Durango Cowboy Poetry Gathering ‘Barn Dance’ and Picnic in the Park Fundraiser. The VFW will be serving Angus Burgers and Brats with sides for $5 or bring your own picnic. Wine, beer, sodas and Cream Bean Berry Ice Cream available for purchase. Tickets $15 online or at the event. FREE admission for children under 12. Bring your own lawn chairs or blankets (but please leave your pets at home!) They even have an indoor back-up plan in case of rain. This is a fundraiser for the Durango Cowboy Poetry Gathering and its youth programs.
  • Join Mountain Waters Rafting for the 2nd annual free rafting & picnic for Veterans and their families at Santa Rita Park. On Sunday June 23rd from 11 am to 3 pm, Veterans and their families are welcome to show up and enjoy the festivities at no cost. There will be overflow parking with free shuttle at Mountain Waters Rafting 303 W. College Dr. in the Albertson’s parking lot.
  • Here are a few thoughts on How to Be Happy after almost 90 years of practice.
  • Tips for creating a great painting from an imperfect reference photo. And another example of working from photographs.
  • The Animas City Night Bazaar will be back Wednesday, June 26th from 5-8. Head over to 3057 Main Avenue in the parking lot behind A Smile by Design for music, dancing, games food, booze, artisans and more!
  • There are Sew Many Quilts! The La Plata Quilters Guild is on Saturday and Sunday at the La Plata County Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall. There will be dozens of quilts to admire, raffles, a silent auction, and venders with goodies for sale. Hours are 10:00- 5:00 on Sat. and 10:00-3:00 on Sun. Children are fee, adults pay $4.00.
  • Ever been curious about botanical printing? Tricia is teaching a workshop in Telluride over the first weekend in August! Learn more and reserve your spot here.
  • This is the last week to enter our art contest. The theme is colors of the rainbow. Don’t over-think it! Use the colors found in the rainbow to make some art (no mixing) and send us a picture of your finished piece! More details are available here. Send in your work by Friday!
  • This week we’re having a brush blowout! We have new brushes on their way and have to make room – so everything is marked down. $3, 5, 10 – if you’re looking for a brush, or just want to stock up, now’s a great chance!

Making art is a form of meditation. It is one of the quickest ways to get in the hyper-focused mental state known as “the zone”. According to Danny Gregory, “Art stops time. When you draw or paint what’s around you, you see it for what it is. Instead of living in a virtual world, as we do most of the time these days, you will be present in the real one. Instead of focusing on all the things whirring in your head, you will be able to stop, clear your mind, take a deep breath, and just be. You don’t need a mantra or a guru. Or an app. Just a pen.” Enjoy exploring the world around you as you learn to stop time.


Matthew & the Art Supply House crew

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