
Sharing yourself

Art is our memory of love. The most an artist can do through their work is say, let me show you what I have seen, what I have loved, and perhaps you will see it and love it too. ~ Annie Bevan It can be scary to share your art, whether it’s your first piece […]


Seeing the beauty around us

If you draw, the world becomes more beautiful, far more beautiful. Trees that used to be just scrub suddenly reveal their form. Animals that were ugly make you see their beauty. If you then go for a walk, you’ll be amazed how different everything can look. Less and less is ugly if every day you […]


A Little Bit of Re-invention

The creation of your art should always be the priority. The only variables you can control are your passion toward the work you create and the intensity with which you act upon that passion. It is futile to predict the public’s reaction to your art. The moment you begin to seek approval from external forces, […]


A Little Bit of Re-invention

The creation of your art should always be the priority. The only variables you can control are your passion toward the work you create and the intensity with which you act upon that passion. It is futile to predict the public’s reaction to your art. The moment you begin to seek approval from external forces, […]


Cleaning canvas paintings​

Cleaning canvas paintings​ We are regularly asked about cleaning paintings.  Here is the basic process we use to cleaning a painting. For cleaning a painting we start by removing the painting from the frame and cleaning the back side of the painting.  Yes, the back.  There can be a lot of dust and dirt accumulation […]

Making money with art

Respect other people’s art work

I just had a customer enter our store to pick up a picture frame.  It happens a lot since we are a high end frame shop. What happened next scared me… The customer walked behind our counter where we keep our completed customer orders and began to handle completed frame projects.  We do not allow customers into […]

Artist Showcase

Laura Mark Finberg

It’s Monday.  Time to showcase another artist!   Laura Mark Finberg Pennsylvania wildlife artist Laura Mark-Finberg’s paintings have been described as “windows unto the soul” of the animals she paints., During a career that has spanned more than twenty years Laura has explored a vast array of subjects in her quest to help the viewer […]

Artist Showcase

Steve Hanks

It’s Monday.  that means its time to showcase another artist. Steve Hanks is an amazing watercolor artist.  I mean absolutely amazing.  He combines both a mastery of color theory and realism with the light airiness of watercolor to produce some of the most moving watercolor art I have ever seen. Though many of his subjects […]

Making money with art

Freelance artist 101

The first thing to understand about making money with art is that you generally wont make your entire annual income on one art project.  Generally speaking, you might make anywhere from $20 to a couple thousand on a project.  It’s rare for an artist to make much more unless they are working on a very substantial […]

Artist Showcase

The Etherington Brothers

 It’s Monday – that means it’s time to showcase a new artist! The Etherington Brothers are a fantastic comic art duo.  One brother does the artwork, while the other comes up with the snarky story lines and text.  I’ve followed the Etherington brothers for a number of years.  They have an amazing artistic sense and […]