
Make it easy

Create an environment where the impossible becomes inevitable. ~ Jason Goldberg I recently heard a friend describe their art-making space. They have a small art table set up next to their main living room workspace. They ensure that the table is somewhat organized, but not overly so. After each session, they clean their palette and […]



It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ~ Confucius It’s easy to set a goal for ourselves that looks something along the lines of, “Create something every day.” This sets us up for failure. If the goal was set for January 1st and on the second we […]


Inspiration and connection

Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced. ~ Leo Tolstoy Visiting an art gallery or museum is an experience that connects us with the different voices and creative expressions of artists from the past and present. It is a place where we can soften our solitude and […]


Playing at work

The meaning of life is to learn and have fun. We are the otters of the universe. ~ Richard Bach While reading more about the quote above, I saw another of Bach’s quotes – “The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.” What a great way to express his […]


How do you create?

Creativity takes courage. ~ Henri Matisse I often mention creating in these emails… my examples are so often some sort of traditional fine art – because that’s what I went to school for and is my specialty. While my examples might be specific, I am thinking much more broadly whenever I mention “creating”. There are […]


What’s your style?

Either you go the way everyone goes and become an ordinary person like everyone else, or you create your own original way and become an extraordinary person that everyone watches in amazement. ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan In a children’s book (part of the Unicorn and Yeti series) I recently read a story about the two […]


Acrylic Paint Changes in 2021

You may have noticed some changes happening in the store. Particularly in our acrylic paint section.  Over the last year, we took advantage of the opportunity to step back and examine options within the store. If you’ve been in the store recently, you may have noticed the complete revamp of the acrylic paint section. Briefly, […]


A Little Bit of Re-invention

The creation of your art should always be the priority. The only variables you can control are your passion toward the work you create and the intensity with which you act upon that passion. It is futile to predict the public’s reaction to your art. The moment you begin to seek approval from external forces, […]


Cleaning canvas paintings​

Cleaning canvas paintings​ We are regularly asked about cleaning paintings.  Here is the basic process we use to cleaning a painting. For cleaning a painting we start by removing the painting from the frame and cleaning the back side of the painting.  Yes, the back.  There can be a lot of dust and dirt accumulation […]

Making money with art

Respect other people’s art work

I just had a customer enter our store to pick up a picture frame.  It happens a lot since we are a high end frame shop. What happened next scared me… The customer walked behind our counter where we keep our completed customer orders and began to handle completed frame projects.  We do not allow customers into […]